Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday - Unskilled Attackers Pester Real Security Folks

Whether you’re looking at packets wireshark or you’re setting up your NMAP scan, it’s important to remember TCP flags. Here’s a mnemonic to recall them.

Unskilled Attackers Pester Real Security Folks
Unskilled = URG
Attackers = ACK
Pester = PSH
Real = RST
Security = SYN
Folks = FIN


If you have a Tech Tip you want to share, send them to info@cyberhui.org and we'll get them out next #TechTipTuesday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday - Malware Analysis and Incident Response Tools for the Frugal and Lazy

I stumbled upon this resource and had to share. It’s a list of online analysis tools, hash searches, other reputation checking tools, threat intelligence and others. I immediately bookmarked it and have gone back to it several times since.


If you have a Tech Tip you want to share, send them to info@cyberhui.org and we'll get them out next #TechTipTuesday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday – Linux Workstation Security Checklist

If you are new to linux, check out this Linux Foundation product. It’s an easy way to secure your Linux workstation. The settings come in three levels: Essential, Nice and Paranoid.


If you have a #CyberPatriot Tech Tip you want to share, send them to info@cyberhui.org and we'll get them out next #TechTipTuesday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday – Metasploit Cheat Sheet

The SANS Institute puts together some great resources and this one is no exception. I recommend using this as your Kali 2.0 desktop image to make pentesting easier.


If you have a Tech Tip you want to share, send them to info@cyberhui.org and we'll get them out next #TechTipTuesday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday – Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA significantly decreases the risk of a hacker accessing your online accounts by combining your password (something you know) with a second factor, like your mobile phone (something you have). It’s free and #TurnOn2FA makes it easy to implement.


If you have a Tech Tip you want to share, send them to info@cyberhui.org and we'll get them out next #TechTipTuesday.